Friday, February 24, 2006


I will start out by introducing myself. I'm Jamie. This is my baby Maya. She lives in Milwaukee (with the Ex). She is three years old. I will have more recent pictures up soon.

I work two jobs, one for a mental health agency, (my night alias) a massage therapist. I am interested in many things but my passion is books, books, and more books! I also love movies. I hope I do not bore you to much with my babbling, I'm new at this and still playing around. This weekend I really have no big plans. I am going out to eat this evening, working Saturday and taking level two Reiki on Sunday. If anything eventfull happens I will be sure and inform you.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My very first dirty post.

Well hullo there everyone (which is no one at this point)! I dont have much to say at this very moment, but trust me I have lots to say in the future. Give me a minute and you will see.
To all my fans! Thank you for your support!