Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Not so happy hunting in Georgia

Where to start, where to start. Below is a picture of our hunting packs. It is complete with all of the ameture ghost hunting supplies. Digital camera, flashlight with red lens, digital thermometer, compass, disposable camreas, a cell phone, a note pad to log any kind of activity or occurances, I digital audio recoder and last but not least lots and lots of batteries! What is not shown in this picture is two infrared cameras that detect any movement. We were ready to "catch us a ghost" or some kind of paranoraml experience be it EVP, a feeling, or some kind of happening. Well, none of that happened. We stayed at the 19 hundred 70 hotel in room 204, this is widely known as "the haunted" room or simply Anna's room. There are a few variations to the story of Anna and the hotel itself. We did not experience anything unususal while in Savannah anywhere. The beauty of the place made up for it though.

The river front was also a sight, bustling with activity from dawn until dusk. Along the river front you will find Florence Martus, the famous waving girl. If you choose not to read her story I will give you a quick and dirty. Her man went to sea, told her he would return but never did. She stood on that pier for 44 years waving to the ships coming through. I will tell you right now, I would MAYBE wave for 44 minutes then say forget it! There are other sailors in the sea!
Thing is, I'm seeing a pattern here; Sailor and girl meet, girl falls in love, sailor leaves. Either woman kills herself or spend her life waving cloth at the sailors! Moral of this statement..... Sailors are BAD BAD BAD!

I'm guessing this is one of the ships she was waving at. There are gargantuan! These ships coming through block your entire view. The rail cars look like match boxes on these ships. Every time one came throug I stood in awe of them. I would watch, thinking to myself, "How in the WORLD do you build something SO immaculate to float?"

We went on Haunted tours, and walked the squares. It is just a serene place and I would love to live there. The one place that I regret being able to visit was Bonaventure Cemetary. This is the famous cemetary rich with history located a few miles outside Savannah. It is the final resting place of several characters in Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil . I love old cemetaries with statuets and the such. I was at the mercy of other people so I guess I will have to wait until my next tip there to visit.

1 comment:

Carl V. Anderson said...

Glad you had a good time despite the shortness of the trip and the lack of anything haunted coming your way.

That ship is massive...unbelievably so!

Look forward to more ghostly tales in the future.